Keith | Bag


Bucket Hat,Soft cotton

Keith is 64 years old. He was born on May 8, 1959 in the USA. He grew up in a small town in North Carolina, the son of two parents and a brother of three siblings. He immigrated to Israel at the age of 21 and married Aviva, together they looked for a young kibbutz and arrived in Kfar Gaza, which at the time was accepting young families They have been living there for the past forty-one years. Keith studied occupational therapy and after a period in the profession, Keith and Aviva are wonderful and loving grandparents to their four children A lot of quality time with the family, walks in nature, pancakes on Saturday mornings and good music. Everyone loves him, and he always has the patience and compassion for every person he meets along the way. Keith was kidnapped from his home in Kibbutz Kfar Azza alongside his wife, who returned from Hamas captivity after 51 days. We are endlessly waiting for him and miss him dearly.
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Friends and family tell about Keith

Keith, born in the USA and raised in a small town in North Carolina, the son of two parents and a brother of three siblings. He immigrated to Israel at the age of 21 and married Aviva. Together they looked for a young kibbutz and arrived at the Gaza village which at the time was receiving young families and where they have lived for the past 41 years Keith studied occupational therapy and after a period moved to become a propagandist (medical representative) for various pharmaceutical companies and he was engaged in this until October 7th. Keith has been married to Aviva for the past 43 years, grandparents together and love their five grandchildren and are attentive parents to their four children. Keith loves and appreciates quality time with his family, nature walks, Saturday morning pancakes and good music. He is a man of the people, everyone loves him, he always has the patience and compassion for every person he meets along the way. We are waiting for him very much.

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את חייהם בחזרה

דורון שטיינברכר

דורון שטיינברכר, “דורונה”, היא אחות וטרינרית מקיבוץ כפר-עזה.”
“דורון נחטפה מהדירה שלה במגורי הצעירים בקיבוץ כפר-עזה, היא נחטפה כשהייתה בת”

Keith | Bag


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